036 Those Who Watch the Sky - 36
36 – Children Seeking Their Own Sky 3
The city of Foothold rolled out before Melody in all of its
glory packed to the brim with more people than she could imagine living in one
place. From rag strewn beggars to armored knights, nobles in suits and lavish
dresses to peasants dressed in hose and tunics. All of these people and more
flooded the streets in a plethora of peoples from icarans and nāti to any
number of chimeric races. The city was alive and flooded with color from the people
to the buildings both inside and out. Boulder had little interest in any of it
but still amazed Melody as he led her onto a streetcar that was moving along its
tracks down the cobbled road.
“A monster!”
“What is that doing here⁈”
“Someone, do something!”
“Will the lot of you all stuff it! Mouse ‘ere ain’t no damnable
beast! She’s a Sa·B·er right as the sky is blue and Icarus’ pearly eyes are up
in it!”
Boulder was not one to deal with the panicking of the general
populace and raised his voice well above the ruckus. His voice was commanding
and sure enough everyone on the trolley quieted before his bellowing voice. Boulder’s
shouting did not convince the patrons to stop looking at Melody however and she
shrank back under their stares. Her very human reaction seemed to be enough to
convince the people of the truth of Boulder’s words and pitying whispers soon flew about the streetcar.
“A Sa·B·er is she?”
“Poor thing, and so young.”
“No less look at her. She’s no hands or arms to her name
and who wouldn’t mistake her for a monster.”
“Sorry about this ‘ere mess Mouse. We Sa·B·ers may keep the
land safe as we can, but respect goes just as much with fear and plain
“It’s alright… It’s actually going better than I expected…”
“What’s that Mouse? Ye’r going to have to speak up if you
want people to hear you.”
“Well then that’s just fine. Now then, if ye’r wings are
goin’ be under mine you’ll need to get a lay of the life of a Sa·B·er and I ain’t
explainin’ without a drink and a meal.”
True to his word Boulder’s route through Foothold led him
and Melody to a bustling tavern. After knocking about some heads, calming the patrons
about Melody, and chatting with the owner he took a seat outside. The tavern
like many restaurants that Melody had seen traveling through the city had an
external counter that vastly increased the amount of patrons they could serve by
covering a large swath of fenced off road in parasol covered tables. It was at
one of these that Boulder seated himself though Melody was certain the padded
booth seats inside would have better supported his girth. He seemed content
enough however as a serving maid brought him a flagon of ale and was soon
followed by more serving maids carrying heaping plates of gravied meat and potatoes.
The meat made Melody drool but she was being defensive and simply stood by the table
waiting for Boulder to say something again. As she waited her eyes drifted up the
hill they had descended to the massive cathedral complex atop it from which she
had emerged into the midday sun.
“No appetite Mouse? Hard to believe with the way yer droolin’
and yer stomach is yappin’ away like some alley mutt.”
“I’m not dumb. If I eat anything I’ll owe you and I don’t
have any money so that means you could take me further away from Link.”
“I’m gonna shoot a guess that this ‘ere Link is one of the kids
you came ‘ere with, no? Doesn’t matter either way though as ye’r under my care
now regardless Mouse. Choir’s orders. And being a Sa·B·er of the church that means
you answer to them regardless. Bein’ the youngin’ that you are though that may
not make much sense to you right now. Something that should make more sense to
you though Mouse is that by getting you out of thar you already owe me as I operate
out of this ‘ere city which means you get to stay ‘ere. If I hadn’t answered
Bird’s request you’d be packin’ to be shipped off to whatever city the church
thinks could use some fresh meat anywhere on the face of ol’ Icarus. So, seein’
as you already owe me Mouse you might as well sit down and eat.”
“You’re wrong.”
“Wrong? Me⁈ Ol’ Boulder Shrew is wrong?
Please tell Mouse.”
“I do know what a Sa·B·er is.”
“Real~ly? Now this ought to be somethin’ special. Why don’t
you go ahead and tell ol’ Boulder what ye know.”
Washing the meat and potatoes down with a swig of his ale
Boulder looked with amused expectancy on his face. Pouting and furrowing her brow
Melody turned her back on the chimeric man and tried to keep her temper in
check. She was not as ignorant of her situation as her silence implied as she
recognized how much stronger than she was Boulder was and had followed along so
as not to anger him. Even then he somehow got under her skin and she wasn’t
sure if that was because she found him or her situation annoying or was just on
edge because she knew nothing about Link and Elliot’s condition. Taking a deep
breath to calm herself Melody turned back around to face Boulder and take her
focus off of the crowds staring at her.
“A Sa·B·er is a person infected and transformed by a
Foreigner but retains just enough of their humanity and sense of self to not be
a monster. Those who achieve this state with the help of the Cardinal Church
are in turn obligated to protect the people from monsters born in the same way
as themselves. When there is no immediate Foreigner threat Sa·B·ers will take
jobs protecting merchants and salvagers to provide a lifestyle for themselves
of their own choosing and beyond the minimal lifestyle afforded by church
A slab of meat slid off the fork Boulder had nearly to his
mouth and he stared dumbstruck at Melody. Melody just continued to pout angrily
at him gripping the ground tightly with her talons. Laying his fork down
carefully Boulder picked up a napkin and dabbed it at his mouth as he composed
himself. Setting the napkin back down he looked at Melody and smiled condescendingly.
“Read that in a book did you Mouse? Good work memorizin’ it
mind. That’s a useful skill when dealin’ with Choir which ye’ll have to do as
long as yer with me.”
“What’s wrong with having learned from a book? I like
Boulder burst out laughing at Melody’s claim and smacked
his thigh. Chortling as he tried to contain himself he looked at Melody discerningly.
“Because a book ain’t the real-world Mouse. Ye even know
what any of that fancy speak you just said means.”
“Hrmm! It may not be as simple as I like things but I know
what it means. The Foreigners make people and everything into monsters and
Sa·B·ers being people who didn’t fully turn into monsters kill them to keep
everyone else safe. The church gives us money for doing it but if we want more
money we have to help other people and get them to give us money. It’s really
“But hard Mouse. It ain’t easy at all, and considering yer
“I’m not handicapped. The wind answers my call and I can
hunt well enough to take care of myself.”
“Ye can hunt can you Mouse? That might just be the first
thin’ you’ve said that has genuinely interested me. Yeah, a skill like that is
real helpful in this job. Alright Mouse, I think I might actually be able to
take a liking to you as more than a kid if ye can prove it. In fact, I’ll sit
right here and enjoy my meal and give ye a chance to earn yer share just so you
feel better. And being real generous like that I am if ye really impress me I’ll
take ye under my wing as more than just a favor fer Bird. It’ll be a genuine apprenticeship
and I’ll help you get over yer shyness and actually understand what yer up
against with the Cardinal Church making ye a Sa·B·er. Dependin’ on how thin’s
really go I may even ask Bird to look into the fate of yer friends.”
Melody’s eyes finally lit up as mention of Link and Elliot
was made and Boulder knew he had her. His smile broadening he shoved a slab of
meat into his face and waited for Melody to take the bait.
“What do you want me to hunt?”
Answering that question proved to be a mistake as Melody
not only brought back two monstrous birds that were larger than she was, one in
each talon no less as she descended from the sky on her return, but also chaos
and panic as she dumped the monsters on the ground before Boulder. Naturally
her actions also drew the guards and Boulder found himself having to explain the
situation both to the guards and tavern owner. When he was finally able to
address Melody again she was laughing so hard she had curled up on the ground
from lack of strength.
“Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha! ~♪ You were being so tough and mean
and yet now you’ve had to apologize to everyone ~♪ I’m
sorry ~♪ I don’t mean to laugh, it’s just so funny! ~♪ Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha! ~♪
“Glad to have finally broken the ice with ye Mouse, and I
guess I brought it onto myself after all.”
Though plainly aggravated Boulder managed to smile at
Melody as he fell into his seat and threw his feet up on the table. Running a
hand down his face he peered out of the corner of his eyes at the dead birds that
the soldiers were dragging away. Leaning back he turned his glance off into the
mountains above Foothold and smiled toothily.
“Yer fast too Mouse. Real fast. Those damned thin’s only
get that big further up the peaks then down ‘ere by the river. And you not only
killed one but two of the damn thin’s. then you went and brought ‘em both back
at the same time even though the’r bigger ’en you. Only thin’ really bothering
me is I didn’t see any signs of a struggle, just yer claws in ther necks.”
“Well, I don’t know a thing about how they fight and you
wanted me to be quick so I had to dive in and out ~♪ But I still wasn’t really quick.”
Standing back up Melody looked up at the sky and Boulder acknowledged
her self-depreciation. It was only shortly past midday when she left but now the
sun was halfway to the horizon and it was already summer. The next time Icarus’
eyes were fully opened it would be midsummer and the days would be shorter than
they currently were. For as long as it took Melody though it was still faster
than anyone else could have hoped to achieve without a vehicle or airborne
ambushes and Boulder was thoroughly impressed and a man of his word.
After being served a heaping platter of meat that left her
eyes shimmering to look upon, Melody began her apprenticeship under Boulder.
She was an extremely quick learner as well which made it a lot easier for
Boulder to translate all of the book knowledge in Melody’s head into practical
knowledge. Keeping her out of the city libraries and filling her head with more
book knowledge than practical knowledge proved a more daunting task as Melody
was astoundingly skilled at stealth and Boulder learned that the hard way. Over
the next tenday as Icarus’ eyes finished closing Boulder ended up learning the location
of nearly every one of them as he constantly had to track down Melody after
their daily hunts and sometimes in the middle of the night as the harpy had
little concern for visiting hours. With how much changed in that tenday Boulder
could barely believe that it was only that much time that had passed when a
reminder of who he worked for soon reared its ugly head.
Copyright © 2019 Joshua D Tarwater
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