035 Those Who Watch the Sky - 35

35 – Children Seeking Their Own Sky 2 Where Elliot’s cleansing ceremony had become something the likes of which none in Foothold could comprehend, Link’s was anything but spectacular. Lacking Elliot’s flair for ceremony and the faith he had developed in Cardinal, Link simply sat on her knees and was bored by the whole ceremony. When called to look up upon the Light of Cardinal, Link felt nothing of any kind from the golden light that appeared above her. Disappointment however was a feeling that soon spread throughout the entire chapel as the light fell from between the scepter heads of the priests and vanished long before it reached Link. “That wasn’t good, was it?” Link blinked blankly as she looked at the empty space between the scepters and let out a nervous little laugh to try to break the tension. Her efforts were in vain as the priests simply shook their heads and one of them placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry child, but it would seem that her ...