A Journey’s Beginning · 2 T he shout of the nāti youth was powerful enough to stun the entire town into silence and absolutely no one moved. That was until the sheriff piloted his Dolmen into a better position to look down at the Chainmaid from across the tracks. With a bit of hesitation, he used the external speakers of the mech to address her. - E-e-excuse me, you in the chainmail. If you are in fact who the bounty hunters here suspect, could I ask you to move away from the buildings and towards the center of Main Street? - “Why?” Looking past the nāti and centaur, the Chainmaid inquired curiously of the sheriff as she popped another piece of bread into her mouth. The sheriff seemed unsure of how to answer that question at first but managed to put together a response eventually. - To put it simply, while out here on the edge of the Arm we may not support the Cardinal Church, we also don’t stand against them. Thus, we respect the desire of tho...
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